Community Guidelines.

Fresco is a friendly community of food enthusiasts from every corner of the world: a safe and fun place where everyone, no matter their background or skill level, can feel welcome. We like to keep it that way.

Here are some quick dos and don’ts when sharing content within the Fresco community:


  • Have fun; meet new friends; bake and cook to your heart’s content; be your wonderful authentic self; share your knowledge; be encouraging to others; smile; and enjoy the connected kitchen experience we've created.

Please don’t

  • Be hateful
    When commenting on a recipe or a photo, remember that there is a person behind it—someone who’s put a lot of love and effort into sharing it with the world. If you don’t like it, try giving a helpful tip instead of criticism.
  • Spam
    Everyone in the Fresco community is there because of a desire to cook food more. No one is there for your affiliate links or promises of a cash prize.
  • Troll
    There’s no place in the Fresco community for personal attacks, profanity, aggressive rants, ALL CAPS, virtual sucker punches, or anything other keyboard crusader behavior. If that’s your jam, there are other internet communities that might suit you better.
  • Steal
    Using someone else’s words, recipes, or photos and passing them off as your own is something we do not support. Always give credit to the person who deserves it.
  • Do anything illegal
    Simply. Not. Acceptable!

If you see something that you believe doesn’t belong in the Fresco community, please let us know at [email protected], and we’ll take care of it immediately.

We believe in second chances, but for the greater good of the community, we won’t hesitate to remove content or users that are violating these simple rules.

With love,

The Fresco Team