Generate more value throughout the lifetime of your appliances while empowering your customers to get better cooking results. Fresco, the leading smart kitchen solution, provides all the ingredients you need to deliver industry-leading smart appliances and motivate your customers to cook more.
With Fresco's standardized integration, onboard your appliances in as little as 2 weeks and deliver an end-to-end cooking experience at a 60% cost saving versus in-house development.
Help your customers solve everyday cooking challenges while getting more value from their appliances. With Fresco's smart cooking assistant, new dishes are just as intuitive and rewarding as the weekly staples.
Establish profitable relationships with every customer. With powerful consumer marketing tools integrated into Fresco’s KitchenOS platform, you can interact with your customers daily and keep them engaged with your brand.
Together, we will empower millions of home cooks to unlock the potential of their appliances and lead more sustainable and healthy lives.
Just like every home cook is different, the appliances they enjoy preparing meals with also differ. Fresco brings brands, appliances, and recipes into one neutral platform allowing all these components to work together seamlessly. This not only simplifies everyday cooking for your customers but accelerates the adoption of smart appliances to grow the industry.
Get to market faster and more cost-effectively while accelerating innovation. From cloud management to app development, Fresco's end-to-end platform equips your team with everything they need to transform your appliances.
Create a rich catalog of smart recipes and motivate your customers to cook with your app daily. With Fresco's CMS, you can make recipes compatible with your appliances and adapt them to different regions in seconds.
Simplify everyday cooking while motivating daily engagement with your brand. Fresco's home cook solution unlocks more value from your appliances and delivers a seamless connected experience to your customers.
Create valuable relationships with your customers and generate revenue throughout the lifetime of their appliances. With Fresco's marketing tool, you can send personalized messages to your customers while building brand loyalty.
Find out how Fresco can accelerate your smart kitchen journey and help you deliver the best cooking experience.